Sunday, November 2, 2008

What the hell is MOGGG?

My sister and I were chatting via AIM one day. She was in her apartment and I in mine and we were basically gossiping about some dude I knew from the days when I used to promote club parties (freestyle music - you know Judy Torres, TKA, George LaMond) and I was typing over to her that I thought the guy was gay because of such and such. Well just as I was about to hit SEND, the guy in question spots me on AIM and sends a Hello.

Luckily I glanced up from the keyboard before hitting SEND or he would've received the message meant for my sister. With what I'd typed, there would've been no way to avoid admitting the message was about him. I would've been screwed and mega embarrassed.

I switched to the tab for my sister and erased the message and instead wrote OMGGGGG (an exaggerated "Oh My God") with a dozen exclamation points...or so I thought.

What I typed and sent in a hurry was MOGGG.

My sister responded with "????" WTF? MOGGG? What the hell is MOGGG?

I glanced at the screen and bust out laughing at my mistake as she called on the phone with "What the fuck is MOG?" which sent us into hysterics as I struggled to explain that so and so just popped up on AIM and I almost sent this huge paragraph of dirt on him TO him. This made her laugh even harder.

From then on, whenever something extremely funny and bizarre happened, the kind of thing that made one eyebrow go up all on its own, we'd look at each other and say "mog", in this deadpan monotone, and bust out all over again. It became one of those things only she and I shared. A public yet simultaneously private word that always made us laugh and instantly placed the event in question into the "What the fuck?" category of our Life Cabinet.

So MOGGG means; "a little confusing, a little funny, and something for long lasting memories."

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